Vlog With Anthrit 12-17-2011
, Monday 19 December 2011 - 01:55:00

Response to Braehawk's Questions: Should you share your feelings with your significant other? Depends on the Feelings. All of your feelings? It would be impossible to even explain them all. Even about the things that make you feel week? Yep. Is it okay to depend on one another emotionally or does that feel dangerous to you? It would become a drama mess. In a romantic relationship, do you want to take care of someone or be taken care of? It seems to go both ways on that. Should it be a balance? I just said that. How much do you expect to count on each other to get through the tough times? As long as we are together. How much time should a couple spend together? As much as they want. Doing what kind of things? Favorite Activities. How much time should you spend with friends who are not "couple friends? Every Rare chance you get. Do it. Do you expect to have children someday? Yep. What do you expect from the mother or father of your children? Help the child grow. What makes a good mother or father? Not controlling the kid's beliefs. Should money be shared between the two of you or kept separately? We spend our money on each other. Should you have a bank account together? If needed. Who manages the finances? We both spend so no management. If your significant other has children by another person, what do you expect their role to be with the children? Do not know, never happened to me. What about the other parent? The Idea is still new to me.

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